a bit about us
MELCD was established in 1987 and has since been an active and integral part of the community through partnerships with agencies that support families. We provide an inclusive, multicultural environment with services available to children with all abilities.
we invite you...
MELCD encourages parent/guardian participation, and we invite you to spend time with your child in our Centres. The success of our child care programs depends greatly on the parent/guardian’s cooperation and support. Parents can be involved in different capacities:
- Board Positions
- Special Skills
- Recyclables
- Field Trips
- Fundraising Assistance
enrollment & registration
Acceptance into a MELCD Centre does not guarantee space in the attended school unless the child resides in that catchment area. MELCD can only provide care for children who are enrolled in the schools where we are located.
Before any child is admitted to a MELCD Centre, the parent/guardian must visit the Centre with their child, review the Parent Policy with the Site Manager, and complete and sign all registration forms.
Registration Fees
- $50/child administration fee (non-refundable)
- $150/child security deposit (refunded at time child is withdrawn)
fees & payment option
unsubsidized fees
Our billing is calculated on a 20-day cycle, as set by the ELCC, Province of Manitoba. Fees are due at the beginning of each billing period.
- Infant: $10/day
- Preschool: $10/day
- School Age: $10/day
- School Age In-Service: $20.80/day
EFT – Electronic Funds Transfer is the method of payment at MELCD.
documents & links
Board of Directors
MELCD is governed by a Board of Directors that consist of parent/guardian representatives from each site, as well as community members. To ensure the views expressed for each Centre are met, we have equal representation from all locations in attendance. All members meet once a month to discuss topics that relate to the organization.
Annual General Meeting
MELCD conducts an AGM in the Spring of each calendar year. This is an open meeting to all parents/guardians where we will discuss the business of the organization.